Post-It Notes

December 6, 2018 | Red Jocks

Even if you don’t get it, it has been written!

The days are dissapearing faster and faster! I’m growing scared, (positive fear) and find myself daydreaming about what lies ahead… It’s all Joy and Tears… It’s LIFE.

You made an impact on me and it’s hard to let go! I’m scared I might have dreamt it all?

It’s all I ever wanted, times like these… No wedding bells, just you and your wide smile! …Time Time Time. I tried to be that strong, for as long as possible. Grown tired of pulling and pushing.

I really tried, but it wasn’t enough. Thoughts of you enter my mind, I remember so clearly the smile you possess.

I feel closer to being complete. We are separated by so much water and I’m a bad swimmer!